Web Tools

This website has been optimized for Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers. We recommend IE and Netscape versions 6.0 and higher for PCs, IE versions 5.2 and higher for Macs, and Netscape versions 7.0 and higher for Macs. All Mozilla and Opera browsers also support the required technology as well. To learn more about these standards-compliant browsers, and to download their latest versions (both are free), go to: Mozilla, or Opera.

AOL 4.0
If viewing this site with AOL, we recommend using version 5.0 or higher, preferably 7.0. In version 4.0, the AOL browser may improperly display, or tile the background images. To correct this problem, select the “Preferences” category from “My AOL” located on the top menu bar. Highlight the “www” icon to bring up the web preferences screen then deselect the “Use compressed images” box.

Adobe® Acrobat Reader
Many of the documents for downloading or viewing on this website are in Portable Document Format, or PDF. Links marked with “PDF” require the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not currently have Acrobat Reader as a plug-in for your web browser, download it free from Adobe and install it.