
This is the website of Mitchell A. Cole, CPA.

Our postal address is:
4676 Main Street
Manchester, VT 05255

Personal Data Collected by Mitchell A. Cole, CPA

During your visit to the Mitchell A. Cole, CPA Website, our Web server will automatically collect certain non-personal information about your visit. This information will be used only for internal statistical purposes as part of an effort to assess and improve our website, and will not be transferred or disclosed to any third party. This non-personal statistical information may include the dates and times of visits to our site, the web sites from which individuals link our site, the type of browsers being used, any keywords used to locate our site, the domain name on which individuals connect to the internet, and information on which pages are viewed when visiting our site. We do not set any cookies, and our Website does not automatically collect email addresses or any personal information.

If you explicitly request information about Mitchell A. Cole, CPA, we may also collect personal information that you provide, including your name, company, address, phone, fax, and email address. We will use this information solely for the purpose of providing information to you regarding Mitchell A. Cole, CPA’s products and services. Under no condition will we disclose, sell or transfer any personal information to any third party without your expressed permission. If you have provided us with your personal contact information and you do not wish to receive information from Mitchell A. Cole, CPA via email or mail, please let us know by contacting us at the address listed above.